
Coria: Roadmap to ROI

September 16, 2020 4:30 AM
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12 Personalization Tactics You Can Use Today to Achieve the ROI You Were Promised from Sitecore

For the last decade, we’ve worked with a variety of enterprise clients in industries like Travel & Hospitality, Restaurants, Manufacturing, Life Sciences, and Financial Services. From day 1, we’ve been absolutely floored by the fact that these huge companies have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars per year on infrastructure and licensing, and an equal or greater amount on professional services to implement these systems, and yet they’re still running them like brochure sites.

Personalization and multivariate testing are at the top of the list of things that never get done, and using advanced, customer-centric functionality is always a technical hurdle and several development sprints away.

Does this sound familiar to you? The struggle is real for companies of all sizes.

In this fast-paced webinar, co-founders Anne Saulnier and John Hobart are going to show you a process you can use right away to start getting the ROI you were promised from Sitecore, along with templates and tools you can download for free to start measuring and proving out your results.

Can’t make the live session? We’ll send you a recording of the webinar to watch anytime.

Speaker profile picture
John Hobart
Co-founder @ Pulse.app
Speaker profile picture
Lauren McGrath
Vice President, Data Sales @ Near

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